Hello dear
Understand your concern
Following are the cause of
erectile dysfunction.
In your case most likely due to performance anxiety and stress.
Other causes are: diabetes,
hypertension and its treatment, low
testosterone, smoking and alcohol consumption, fatigue, obesity.
I advice you to consult the
urologist to find the above causes after following investigation: Blood sugar,
lipid profile, serum testosterone, health check up, seminal fluid analysis.
Take following advice:
Be relax while doing sex, engage more in foreplay before intercourse, use comfortable position like women on top position, use double condoms or condoms with lidocaine jelly, start pelvic exercise, hold urine for sometime before urination, start regular exercise like walking followed by medication 30-45 minutes in the morning, take healthy diet rich in protein, antioxidant rich food like fresh fruits, almonds and Co Q tablet, Stop alcohol and smoking.
If above advice will not work then take sildenafil plus paroxentine 30-40 minutes before sex after proper evaluation. Tablet gonadil F may also help.
Testosterone shot for low testosterone.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar