I am 27 year old healthy male, don t drink or smoke, not over weight. Ever since last March I started having problems with my erections. Below I have listed the symptoms -Noticeably Soft and thinner/smaller erections, soft head of penis -not able to maintain and erection without physical stimulation -no spontaneous erections -lower volume of semen, does not shoot out as before during orgasm -Shortness of breath when having sexual thoughts Before this issue I masturbated once every other day or once every two days. At the same time as this issue started I noticed buzzing feet especially when lying down, now only on left foot, sometimes I have tingling buzzing sensation, maybe this is somehow related. I had tests for diabetes, a heart stress test, Cardiac ultrasound, blood tests, testosterone, thyroid, no stds, all came out to be normal. This has been going on for a year, and is starting to become frustrating, as I was not able to have intercourse with my girlfriend. As a result of all this, my libido has dropped. I do want to mention that I have not seen a urologists yet. Any input would be great.