Hello, thanks for posting your concern. It could be one of these reasons why you are bleeding so much.
1. There could be some bits of conception retained inside the uterus to expel which the uterus must be bleeding profusely. But it may be unlikely as its already nine weeks since you be had surgical termination and by now even if anything was retained, we expect it to resolve on its own unless its a very large chunk. However, the possibility cannot be ruled out. I assume you haven't had fowl smelling
vaginal discharge in between which indicates infection of the uterine lining and needs antibiotic cover.
2. Your
thyroid hormones could be overworking. Do check your thyroid profile to see if it is well under control.
3. Excessive stress can lead to increased bleeding for couple of months following a
miscarriage or
pregnancy. I suggest you to practice relaxing techniques like yoga, walk or
meditation to help you with that.
4. Extremely rarely there could be an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein in the area of uterus which can give rise to this kind of bleeding.
You can use tab.
Tranexamic acid 500mg three times a day to see if your bleeding can be controlled. Also if bleeding continues in the same way you need to go to emergency room to get a
transvaginal ultrasound examination to check what's happening inside uterus along with Doppler studies. I suggest you this as it is difficult to assess the amount of bleeding you are having and it should not be too late to seek help. Hope this helps. Take care.