I work at a huge dry-cleaning business. Worked there over 4 months. There are gigantic washers and Dryers and steaming machines. One of the many chemicals is Sodium Hypochlorite. I have had a heavy odor, from my urine... & my body odor has become near repugnant {like vinegar mixed with wet/old mop smell}... Have had a growing taste of chemicals (in the back of my throat). Some trouble breathing, along with dry mouth. And 4 times now, when I sweat at night, the sweat smells like I m trying to sweat off cold (as with a temperature). Yet I have not had a cold during this time. The symptoms have slowly come about. In response, I have changed diet, changed deoderent, body wash, and detergent... Even bought new under clothes. Ater 10 weeks, I went to an Urgent Care, and when the urine test came up normal, the doctor excussed me from his office without an explaination. After another 5 weeks, I went to the Emergency Room. Urine test, blood test, chest x-ray, and heart exam [as with the little plastic circles, all over the chest]. All the test came back normal. They said that I had Acid Reflux and allergies. Yet they gave no logical explaination for the dramatic change in smell! Got any ideas?