I have a sixteen year old son who takes a low dosage of zorloft I am concerned because he is sleeping a lot lately and his appetite has decreased. Now he does spend a lot of time on the computer and because he sleeps so long in the morning sometimes not rising until early afternoon, he will get up eat something and then feel like going back to sleep for quite some time, somtimes not rising again until early evenning . Then of course he stays up too late sometime not going to bed until 3 in the morning, then for some reason he will rise up again around three to four hour later stay up about the time he should be getting up to start the day which is eight or nine in the morning. I had a blood test done thinking perhaps he was anemic, but everything came back fine. I am getting a little concerned and we are both fully aware that he has to stop this pattern. He has always been a night owl, but he would get up before noon, perhaps take a short nap during the day and then get to bed around midnight. Now he sleeps way too long and will fall back to sleep two more times during the day, taking long naps. He tells me he is not depressed, but he states he is just tired a lot