Welcome to health care magic.
I pill is an
emergency contraceptive pill taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse.
You had second intercourse on 3 rd day after 1st.You need to take i pill again now.
Protection offered by i pill against pregnancy decreases at end of 72 hours.
Excessive vaginal discharge after sex can be normal due to sexual activities or due to effect of i pill as it causes change in vaginal secretion consistency.
However,if it is associated with symptoms like pain during sex /urination,lower
abdominal pain or if the vaginal discharge is also present at other times ,it can be a sign of
pelvic inflammatory disease.
If I were your treating doctor,I would recommend,
-Visit to gynaecologist for local examination and investigations like vaginal swab microscopy to find out causative organism.
-It will be followed by
oral antibiotics like cipro/sulfamethaxezole or oral antifungals for 7-10 days depending on type of infection.
-Maintain genital hygiene with soap and water.Wash genitals after sex.
-Simultaneous treatment of sexual partner if he has any related symptom.
-Avoid sex while on treatment
-Use contraceptive such as condom.
Donot misuse emergency contraceptives like ipill if you are sexually active.
Hope this information helps.