I am a 43 year old woman experiencing extreme fatigue, coldness in my extremeties, intolerance to heat/cold, mental fogginess, and many other classic symptoms of hypothyroidism. I got bloodwork results done and my doctor feels I have a viral infection only because my TSH is normal. My TSH is 1.62, my FT3 is 2.24, FT4 is .81 - other findings that were out of the normal range were Ferritin of 298.8, Basophile of 0, EOS of 6, Leukozyten of 3.5 (sorry if the name isnt exactly correct the results are in german), LYMPAB (blood differential?) is 805, neutrophile differential is 1995. Everything else tested showed in normal range. I have two questions. 1) is it possible to have hyprothyroidism even with this TSH count? and 2) do infections affect ft3 and ft4 counts? I am wondering why the numbers are low and I can t find any information anywhere on this. I have gone from being an energetic healthy person to barely able to function and would appreciate any info at all on the subject. Thank you!