Can understand your concern..
As per your complain
pain in teeth can be due deep infection which is causing the nerves exposed leading to inflammation in nerves and pain..
It can also be due to
abscess formation below the root tips of the infected tooth which can lead to pressure on the nerves in that region leading to pain..
If the pain is due to wisdom tooth it can be due to inflammation of the gum flap which covers the erupting or
impacted wisdom tooth and the inflammation occurs due to food and bacteria deposition in between the gum flap and the tooth as well as the pain can also be due to the biting of the gum flap by the opposite jaw tooth..
Painkiller can provide relief from pain but in case the cause of pain is not treated there will be relapse of pain.
Long term use of painkillers cannot have anything good and can lead to harmful effect on the kidneys as well as other body organs as well as use of
narcotic painkillers can lead to addiction and seen to cause
The best way the treatment can be accomplished is that you should
consult a dentist and get the x rays done in the tooth area causing pain and find out the cause of pain..
In case of infected teeth
root canal treatment or extraction depending upon the condition of teeth can be done followed by antibiotics and painkillers..
In case of wisdom tooth problem either removal of gum flap or extraction of wisdom tooth can be advised..
Infections and recessions in the gums should also be evaluated and treated accordingly..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..