I ve had numerous blood tests for lupus, negative. Biopsy, pathology report said medication or lupus. So drs. Took me bpretty much off everything could. Ive had reprated allergy testing too. this started as a reddish almost sunburned look on back of hands ,fingers , and back of forearm. It peels, is tight, very sensative. Then repeats. I have Sicca, fibromyalgia, and a litnew of encyclopedia version of diagnosis for other things. . I was on oxycondone last year, due to pain from a shoulder injury. I m on GABAPENTIN and Quinine. I m diabetic too. I recently developed 2 episodes of bright red rash with feeling of extreme burning sensation with pin pricking feeling., that started at my neck, and traveled down through my body. I ended up in ER for one episode. No idea dr. Said what was. It went away unexplained about a yr. Ago. To return recently , constant pretty much and all over body. I react to florescent lighting and the Sun also. It itches intensely, especially after showering. I noticed today when exposed to heat it got far worse. Could the oxycondone been a catalyst so to speak to all this I found out can cause itching with some meds taking. What do you think? It really has ruined some fun times out enjoying myself. I ve seen Neurolgist, dermatologist, Rhemotologist, you name it. I m miserable, itchy and scared.