The fact that you have undergone assisted insemination suggests that your baseline hormone studies and Fallopian tubal patancy tests are normal.
You have not mentioned how low is your husbands
sperm count. Is there any evidence of infection in the
semen analysis done. What about other parameters of sperm like morphology , motility etc.
Your husband needs to see a andrologist who can assess him better.
If you have already done six cycles of insemination and have not conceived the next mode of treatment will be IVF. ( in vitro fertilisation)
Before IVF treatment the
endometrial cyst needs to be aspirated to optimise the success rate of IVF treatment.
Take one tablet of
folic acid daily.
I would also like to advise on simple measures.
Maintain normal BMI ( 20-25kg/M2)
If you both smoke cigarettes you need to quit
Good luck. Keep me updated about your treatment.
If you have any further concerns I will be happy to answer.