Was biking in cool weather (50 degrees) on my normal 10 mile ride some small hills here in Michigan. Hasn’t road my bike in a week and before that I took off from riding 6 weeks. On mile 7 of the ride I passed out going up a slight hill, I was out for 3 to 4 minutes. That day I ate two eggs at 8am, peach at 10am. Coffee at 1 PM with two small donuts, an apple at 3pm and no water at all. I was doing yard work for two hours before the ride. I m 70 fair in condition I’m 186 pounds today from 206 pounds two months ago. I’m on a no carb diet. This was a week ago of the syncope. My activates are the same since, I cut grass walk behind, take brisk walks 1 mile (no bike riding), feel great. Went to ER the same day of the syncope and was tested i.e., stress echo, ekg, blood work and serial cardiac enzymes. Monitor for 48 hours after and I just sent back in today. Is this most likely a onetime occurrence do you think. Thank you!