Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. The
loss of consciousness could be due to
head injury causing
vasovagal shock induced by pain and sudden shock. It is very common to have such type of shock after accident, sudden
severe pain, sometimes on watching something bad, even after needle prick. It occurs because of stimulation of a nerve known as "vagus nerve"
Treatment is lie patient flat and raise his/her legs above chest and head level. Clear surroundings for fresh air. Remove any secretions from mouth and nose to prevent airway block. Patient recovers on its own. Then give fluids to maintain BP. Sometimes intravenous fluids may be needed for low BP.
: Dangerous head injury - If
unconsciousness persists for more than 5 minutes or it has occurred more than once with intermittent gap of normal consciousness, it could be dangerous head injury.
You should consult ER as soon as possible. The doctor might advise CT head to rule out
fracture or bleed. The fracture is usually managed by conservative treatment while brain bleed may require surgery.
If no above sign, you should also rule out other signs
: Vomiting
; fits
: bleed through nose, ears, throat
: onset of new focal deficit
If no above sign, you should not worry at all.
To fasten relief, you can follow few tips at home
: bed rest
: Apply icepacks at injury site
: Avoid pressure at injury site
: You can give him painkiller like
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription.
: Maintain proper hydration by giving him around 2.5 to 3 litre of fluids.
Hope it will help him. Thanks
Take care.
Dr Ishu Bishnoi