There could be a few reasons to your symptoms. Since your blood pressure was so low, the first thought is that you were simply not getting enough blood to your brain. From you symptoms it sounds like your left hemisphere of the brain was affected given that you couldn't move your right leg and arm. Language also resides most commonly in the left hemisphere so speaking would also be difficult. You didn't mention your age, but when symptoms are isolated to a side of the brain, what needs to be done is an MR-Angiogram (blood vessel imaging with
MRI) or CT-angiogram (blood vessel imaging with a CT) of the arteries in the neck and brain to make sure that there is no narrowing of the blood vessel that could result in the symptoms just affecting one side of the brain. If neither of those tests are possible, then as a bare minimum a carotid
ultrasound should be done.
Alternatively, but much less likely is that you could have a
migraine that caused
paralysis and focal neurological symptoms. They are very rare, but still a possibility. The symptoms usually resolve in a few hours to a day.
Lastly, a
seizure could have also occurred which caused you to lose consciousness. There is a condition where after the seizure, it takes the brain time to recover and there can be difficulty with movement and language. Again, I feel that that is less likely.
None-the-less you need more testing done to make sure the blood vessel are open. Also, they need to investigate the cause of your low blood pressure. It can be due to adrenal gland dysfunction, autonomic nervous system issues or heart issues. You should definitely speak with your
primary care physician to have all of that investigated.
I hope this helps.
Kristoffer Nissinen