I had a acdf c-6 c-7 on june 7th/16, since the 3rd day after surgery I keep saying I dont feel good,, I feel ill like,, I get exhausted very very easy,, when I awake from sleeping I can do very little and then bamn it hits me and I become exhausted and sick feeling,, I saw the surgeon on the 22, of June,, and I was sweating profusely and my pulse was sky high and my blood pressure was fine the nurse said,, they took an x-ray and the doctor said everything looks good,, my wound is infected and he said to stop taking the pain meds cause that was making me sick,, well I have stopped the meds and I feel worse,,, and the doctor said for me to put cortisone on my wound,, and he said I can return to all my normal activities,, so I am wondering is it possible that my body is rejecting the cadaver and or hardware?