To preface my question, I am in remission from Thyroid cancer. I had a Thyroidectemy last year. I have psoriasis, fibromyalgia, Tarsel Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic numbness on tips of ties, Anemia, PMDD and Anxiety (big surprise hu?) I have been having horrible fatigue since my surgery and it is only getting worse. I have about 2-4 hours in a day where I can be active. I just started having weakness/tingling in different muscles. It only lasts a few minutes but it s a very weird feeling. I have been getting nosebleeds also. I haven t had them before. My pcp, therapist or endocrinologist cannot find an answer for my fatigue/muscle weakness/nosebleeds and it s starting to really worry me. I am 29 years old and my body feels like it s 90. My body is so stiff in the morning it takes me about five minutes of stretching before I can walk. So, my question after all that, does it sound like one illness? Ie. Thyroid problems. Or does it sound like I have something else going on? I have been testing for Lyme Mono I cannot work right now, nor do I have a reason for disability. My quality of life is suffering and I m in so much pain all the time. I m seeing a therapist for the depression and anxiety caused. I feel like something serious is wrong, the same feeling I had before we found the cancer. If you have any insight or questions, I d appreciate a response. Thank you.