Hello and welcome to HCM,
thyroid nodule is not associated with sexual activity.
Cold nodule in the thyroid are most commonly due to neoplasms of thyroid.
You will have to wait for the biopsy report.
Have you got the
thyroid function tests done?
Fatigue can occur due to derangement of thyroid function tests.
hemoglobin or anemia can also be the cause of fatigue.
However, your sexual encounter is unlikely to cause any of your symptoms.
Non-reactive HIV tests have ruled out HIV infection.
However, burning sensation on head of penis has to be investigated.
The burning sensation can be a manifestation of infection possibly
urinary tract infection (UTI).
Thus, you need to get urine examination to look for infection.
Consult your primary healthcare provider for urine examination and further management of thyroid nodule.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri