Hi. I have been very weak for many months. I have absolutely no energy, no strength & have lost all my muscles. I have been checked by oncologists, endocrinologists , my primary found a spot of blood in a stool sample, also had a growth on my face removed as he suspected it to be cancerous (which it wasn t) and my blood tests showed some anemia but my organs; liver,kidneys etc. are fine. The slight anemia could be because I have the blood disorder; Thalesemia minor which I inherited from my Italian mother. I m a 62 year old man so for a while I told myself I m just getting old. But then I thought maybe my adrenal gland isn t working well...The tests said it was fine. So maybe it s mental. I eat well, have a good appetite, basically live a healthy lifestyle except I have no energy or strength to get up & go...Basically I can t even walk to the mail box & back without feeling I will collapse. I have tried all the good energizing foods, vitamins, I even tried medical marijuana but nothing helps. I feel ok as long as I m eating then I feel like crap again. I think if I eat I might feel better but I don t. My doctors don t know whats wrong either. They tried the mental route with me; citilipram, prozac,duloxetine...nothing. I need some kind of pick-me-up happy-pill-muscle builder...I want to be the energetic, happy, strong 62 year old I used to be several months ago. Can you help me ? Charles choo