Hi Doc, Almost one year ago i was working on my table and at once i had a panic attack like I am going to collapse. Had problems feeling normal. There was pain in my hand radiating down in a straight line but it was not always there. After a month or more i felt a strange kind of pain in my back. It was like that as my back was turned into a stone but with pain and difficulty in breating. Since that time my situation is getting worse. After few months with back pain it came to my neck. Neck pain, short time finger pain, hand joint pain started occuring more frequent. Then i had some very bad months with dizzyness. It was like as world was not normal. I was feeling myself like a movie camera. Everything was not looking normal as it used to be. I had to focus very very hard to feel that it is real. Then i started having memory loss. I still face problems finding the words, names and so on. Once i forget where i was, even the place was very familier to me and in my neighbourhood. I took for some 1 month the mecobalamin sublingual tabs but my problem is still there. My present symptoms are - fatigue, confusion, memory loss, dizzy, pain in different part of bodies for few seconds but at one time only in one part. Neck pain almost 24 hours + backpain more often. I need to stretch my shoulder backwards almost 50 times a day and i can listen cracking sounds at that time. Mood swings are there after every 10-15 minutes. Please suggest what it can be?