I have been struggling with the following symptoms for the past 2 years: Fatigue, Sleepiness, Progressive difficulty waking in the morning, Weight gain, Difficulty losing weight, Hair falling out, Brittle nails, Increasingly severe urticaria (have had daily/weekly for 14 years), Forgetfulness, Difficulty concentrating/focusing, Increasingly painful periods, Shorter menstrual cycles, Frequent diarrhea/constipation, Stomach cramping (1st meal/drink of the day), Gas/burping and gut noise after eating, and Rough skin. I am a bariatric patient and had gastric sleeve surgery 4 years ago. I lost 90 lbs but have gained back almost 40 in the last two years. I suspect something hormonal or thyroid-related is going on. TSH is always low (approx 0.1) for last 3 years, but T3 ad T4 are normal. My quality of life is terrible coping with all of these symptoms and I can t seem to get any answers from doctors. I need help figuring out what is going on in my body! Please help!