hello my name is lee I am in my early forties I have been experiencing spells of tiredness and fatigue for a while now, also now and then I get a fluttering in my chest sometimes only for a few seconds but it isn't a plesant feeling when it happens, I was diagnosed in my twenties as being slightly anemic and had some tablets for this, about 10 years ago I had some further blood tests done this found extremely high cholesterol levels and alpha thalasemia trait, my cholesterol levels have come down to a safe level down to statins and supralips, I am however concerned with this fatigue issue as I have had two days off work I came home Wednesday night and went to bed by seven I felt dizzy and week I didn't get up till three pm next day and my work are not exactly sympathetic, i cant get in to see my doctor until next thursday,any advice would be much appreciated.