welcome to hcm,
I really appreciate your concern,
Ithink you should first undergo HPT,
Chances of
pregnancy are minimal but not nil.
Hi, I have gone through your query. After having intercourse your partner has not inseminated in you. You have no periods till date. Delay in periods can be a due to excessive
There is minimal chance of you being pregnant and can't be denied. Usually HPT is advised after about 10 days after due date as
hCG hormone takes this much time to get detected in urine. Cause of delayed period may be due to stres or due to pregnancy. There's a tiny chance that you're pregnant and still testing negative. Like any kind of screening test, home
pregnancy tests are occasionally wrong. And with pregnancy tests, it's more likely for a negative result to be wrong than a positive result (as positive result always indicate presence of hCG). In very rare cases, a woman's body doesn't produce hCG in high enough amounts to be detectable within the usual time frame. Since all your symptoms are also seen as early signs of pregnancy, I advise you to take a
blood test for HCG to rule out any pregnancy and consult a local OBS/GYN for the actual cause of your delayed period.
Please feel free to ask if you have any further questions,
Thanks. Regards.