Hi Dear,
welcome to HCM.
Understanding your concern.
Thanks for your query . Well this feeling usually occur in many people due to mild swelling or irritation in throat which subside in few days . But persist felling of something stuck in throat require medical attention .
There can be many reasons for this king of feeling like
acid reflux disease (
tonsillitis ,
esophagitis, food or object stuck or any kind of
tumor in
esophagus or throat.
So i would suggest you to
consult ENT specialist (ear,nose,throat) as well as gastroentrologist for perfect diagnosis and find out exact cause . Doctor may order
endoscopy test blood or test X-ray .
For GERD doctor will prescribe medicines to reduce acid production like H2 blockers and
antacid or antibiotics for tonsillitis and other lump.
In your case the probable reason for such symptoms seems to be acid reflux disease and if you have
dry cough also that will further confirm the diagnosis . For now avoid spicy and heavy meal , take your meal at least one and half hour before going to bed and take frequent and small meals .
Also do warm saline gargles .
Hope your concern has been resolved.
Get Well Soon.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Harry Maheshwari