A few days after I eat bananas or nuts (primarily pecans or peanuts) it feels like something is stuck in my throat. Over time, maybe by day three, I cough up a very small mushy brownish color thing that smells like horrible bad breath. If I leave it out to observe it for a few hours it becomes very hard and still smells awful. On a few occasions, I felt it in my throat by day three and it would cause me to cough it up a few times, especially after brushing my teeth and gargling -- I gargle hard because that seems to make it come up. It seems to only happen when I eat bananas and nuts as I mentioned. No other health problems or concerns. I am a little over weight for my height, but basically active and enjoy walking outside and on treadmill at least three times per week. I am 56 years old, African-American woman. Any idea what this is all about? Thank you for your kind help.