A few nights ago, I started feeling as though there was something stuck on the back of one of my tonsils - almost as though a piece of popcorn kernel had gotten stuck there, but I hadn t eaten any popcorn. It also felt like a sort of dry spot. It was uncomfortable when swallowing and caused a brief sharp pain as it came in contact with the opposite tonsil. I have tried gargling, brushing with a toothbrush to try and dislodge it - this was largely ineffective as I cannot even see where it is located exactly, - drinking excess amounts of liquid, and I have eaten plenty of food in the last two and a half days where I figured it would dislodge itself from the multitude of food particles passing through. Now it has spread larger on the one tonsil and moved to the other and upon drinking water, my throat becomes extremely dry. Do you have any idea what it could be?