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Fever,chills,fatigue,reduced appetite suggest that he is suffering from
infectious hepatitis.
This hepatitis,that is,inflammation of liver,can be caused to virus called hepatitis virus mostly or bacterial infection called leptospirosis.
Specific tests need to be done to diagnose condition depending on his medical history.
Viral hepatitis is caused to exposure to ingestion of contaminated food or water.
Leptospirosis is caused due to exposure of skin to infected water.
Rash on back and abdomen can be because of
allergic reaction to viral infection.
If I were your treating doctor ,I recommend,
-investigations for antibodies to hepatitis,test for Lepto,blood haemogram.
-Antipyretic like tab paracetamol thrice for 3-5 days.
-Antibiotics like doxycycline twice a day for 10-14 days if bacterial cause of infection detected.
-Tab multivitamin for increasing appetite and liver recovery.
-Avoid alcohol,caffeine,hot,spicy,fried,high fat content food.
-Local application of
hydrocortisone ointment on rash.
If blisters develop on rash,it indicates shingles infection as the area is also warm to touch.Shingles can be activated through other viral infections.You will need to show it to
dermatologist in that case.
-Eat small frequent meals as there is reduced appetite.
-Adequate intake of water recommended.
-Liver function tests after 1 months to check for recovery.
Hope this information helps.
Wish your friend speedy recovery.