My son started last Thursday with a fever over 101. Watery diarrhea plagued him for the next 48hrs. The fever of 101-102 lasted till Monday and by Wednesday, he had a normal temp. My son has developed a lot of congestion in the head and has an unproductive cough. He is sleeping and laying around more than normal and has lost his appetite. Prefers to drink water and maybe occasionally Gatorade. My son, who is 12 and has a seizure disorder and mitochondrial dysfunction, has managed to take and keep down his seizure meds and supplements, he has indicated within the last 48 hours that his lips hurt. They actually look purple-red with some white areas, but they are not ulcers (the doctor checked t his out yesterday). Eventually was tested for strep and the flu, but both rapid tests came back negative. I m concerned now because it is so unusual for our son to not eat and run around. We have offered every food we know he likes as a motivator, but it remains untouched. I usually have to press on with his drinking starting with a 10ml. Syringe filled with water or other beverage just so he will start drinking more. So far the fever has not returned, but his bowel movements(if he has one)is still quite watery.