My husband has stage 4 copd. He had 5 bypass heart surgery in 2008 and was in hospital for 5 months. Most of problems stemmed from lungs. He started getting sick in September 2015 and made numerous trips to the dr and was given prednisone and various antibiotics. Symptoms included fever, chills, severe cough, fatigue, and breathing problems. In March 2016 the dr decided to do a bronc. Results showed achromobacter with pneumonia. Dr prescribed 10 days of iv antibiotics 2x daily. Six weeks later he had symptoms again and sputum culrure showed same. This time 14 days of menoprene iv antibiotics were given. Week after antibiotics were completed, sputum culture showed same achromobacter. Now doctor tells him that bacteria has most likely colonized and he is not going to treat it unless he gets really sick. He is still running low grade fever but not daily. Is this the way to handle the problem and can this be spread to me or others around him?