My 27year-old daughter has what appears to be coxsackie virus. It starts 8 days ago. She has had horrible mouth sores, itchy spots on her heals, a 3X3 inch section of blisters on her shoulder (which she had sunburned a couple days before), lesions on her genitals, and under her arms. She has been running a fever. For the last couple days it has fluctuated from normal to mid-99s. She has had five doctors appointments, including seeing a dermatologist and an infectious disease specialist. HIV, herpes and shingles have been ruled out by cultures. We have more tests pending. So . . . here's the question: Over the last couple days she has developed significant pain in her knees. I can't find anything on the web that ties joint pain to coxsackies except one reference that says that if this symptom develops, see a doctor. The dermatologist doesn't know what to make of the joint point. The Infectious Disease specialist says to just treat to symtomatically. Any thoughts? If she misses much more school, she wouldn't graduate from her 4 quarter LPN program. We really need to do everything we can to sort this out.