My son was bitten by a tick about 3 weeks ago since then has had on going fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, muscle weakness, muscle aches and pain and complains of feeling tired all of the time. Please help at this time he is taking Doxycycline 100 mg. p.o. b.i.d, Tylenol 1000mg. q 6 hrs. alternating with Ibuprofen 800mg. p.o. q 6 hours around the clock, also has Phenergan suppositories q 6 prn for vomiting and Zofran prn for nausea and vomiting, blood work has been done but results have not returned due to lab error.Is there anything more we can do before the results come back and in your esteemed opinion does he need to be in the hospital?