Hello. Thanks for posting your query. I am Dr. Jaydeep and i am glad to assist you.
See some people have an extraordinary sexual appetite where even 6-7 times a day, won't make them tired. Some people after once or twice and it is absolutely normal. Sometimes the vagina can be a little sore after sex, that is your body's way of telling you, that it is too much and you got to slow down and rest a bit. The good thing is when people have good sex, they tend to sleep longer, since they have a lot of endorphins releasing in the system. It induces sleep.
I will advise you to cut down on the number of times you both do it in a day to may be once or twice. There is always a chance of trauma to the vagina which can lead on to infections. I will also advise you to give up
smoking, since it can detrimental to your sexual life.
Also you said your boy friend takes
Xanax ? Any particular reason for taking that pill? Because it is an anti-
anxiety pill and can lead to tolerance and he will develop
withdrawal symptoms later.
I will be glad if you can provide me additional history about why he needs Xanax on a daily basis.
Hope this is helpful,