Can understand your concern..
As per your complain stuffy nose and mild fever are most probably due viral infection and not
teething and in case if it is due to teething it will not cause stuffy nose and is commonly accompanied with painful
swollen gums and irritability of child..
A hard lump on the nose that is painless can be a
dermoid cyst and a clinical evaluation is needed to confirm it..
For fever and stuffy nose you should give her
Acetaminophen to reduce fever..
You can do saline nasal irrigations to reduce congestion..
Give steam inhalation and use a humidifier in her room..
Feed with plenty of warm fluids and a
soft diet..
Make her sleep with head slightly raised as compared to feet to ease in nasal drainage..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..