Hi I am a 21 year old girl and I had a micro discectomy on L4/L5 disk in March 2014 and the surgeon said it went fine. It has been now over a year.A first everything was fine and it was a relief until around July 2014 I started experience pain like I never felt before. I have done multiple physical therapy sessions of the course of two years before and after the surgery, the latest session was in April 2015. I have also had a nerve injection in March 2015, advised by the pain management department and still I am in pain. Some even keep say that it is all in my head and that I am exaggerating. It has been really tiring. Here are my symptoms: Muscle pain (which doctors said it is muscle stiffness even though I walk ever day), I am more tired when I wake up, stiff and in more pain. I cant make pressure on my rib cage, my chest sometimes hurt and I am in pain for at least an hour. My shoulders hurt, my arms sometimes but it is not that bad and my left leg. My back hurts so bad that sometimes I can hardly breath. I suffer to from migraines that usually start from the back to my head to my face. My sleeping is getting worse if though I suffered from sleeping problems from the age of 12 maybe. I was told that I might have IBS after doing a colonoscopy and an endoscopy in 2013 I think. Numbness and tingling sensation are now worse than before , my legs, my arms, left side of my face can get numb and other strange places too. I can not even sit for long or my back and legs go numb and been suffering from this burning sensation on my palms and feet. I am very worried, every doctor I encounter either is confused or says it is all in my head and they always point out that I suffer from anxiety and depression. I feel that it is buy time that I get some answers as after two years in pain (left side lower back and left leg) caused by a herniated disc I thought that all will be better after the surgery and I was wrong. All this pain is taking a troll on my life and I don t know what to do any more. I stared reading on the internet and came across Fibromyalgia and I just would like to ask it there is a possibility and would like to know what I can do to get help for any possible diagnosis. Thanks allot