Hello! I m a 26 year old woman and live with my husband four years. Almost two years ago I got a fissure in my posterior fourchette after sex. I thought it was due to a little rough intercouse and would be healed by itself. Well, it healed, but ever since I suffer from it. After almost every intercouse it tears on and on, and feels just like a paper cut. I give it time to heal, it does, I have sex then, and it tears again. But this is not the only problem. Couple of months ago I got a new fissure. This time, between my buttocks, right above my anus. The same thing: it heals then tears if I touch it somehow. I just cannot figure out what s the problem. Simple healing ointments don t work or give a temporary effect. I don t have neither allergies nor any skin problems. In other cases my skin heals itself perfectly. The only thing I have since my childhood, is dandruff and itching on every hairy part of my body (including a pubis if it s not depilated). Must say, that my genital area is hairy a bit. Could seborrhea or yeasts be the core problem of my genital fissures? Thanks!