i am 32 yr, M, who has undergone Lap. Chole. in June 2010. Since then I am regularly having flatulence and acidity. This used to come off and on, and in between for a few months I had amobeatic colitis also, for which I was treated. I am now regularly taking probiotics and exercising but the bloating feeling particularly after meals bother me almost daily. Apprehending some serious problem, like gastric cancer etc., I on my own got sonography of whole abdomen conducted recently. Everything was normal, and in my stomach and intestines the radiologist showed just gas, water and food particles. On seeking advice about the need for conducting endoscopy, he said that there was no need as everything is normal. On reading online about gastric cancer, it appears that there are other test to detect it. Do I really need to worry about them, when everything is found normal in the said sonography.