My almost 9 month old went from having an escalating temperature from Sunday until Wednesday. It started around 99.7 and went up after each dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen wore off. Yesterday was the highest at 102.8 but last night was in the 98 range, this morning the 97.5-98 range but this afternoon she kept getting clammy, cold, then sweating profusely, I took her temp and it was 96.2. This has happened several times since then and upon giving her a quick bath, I noticed she had blotchy skin on her belly, back and face. Feet are pale but ticklish when I press to see if there s circulation. Originally I thought it was teething temps but I m not so sure now. She s had 2 very loose stools today, one light green, one mustard yellow. She is breastfed and eats solids. Both stools were after the chills type of episodes making me think diarrhea. Other than that today she has had no other symptoms besides fussiness and clinginess which I associated with teething as well.