HCV over many years led to lower extremity edema and ascites starting in January 2014. This was controlled with Bumex and Spironolactone. Harvoni came out in October 2014. Did 12 weeks, but viral relapse at SVR12 in April 2015. BW revealed resistance to Ledipasvir. Started new treatment October 2015: Sovaldi, Olysio, RBV for 24 weeks. TX ends March 16, 2016. SVR12 BW in June 2016. Anticipate cure. Left hook: Since September 2015, I have been dealing with crippling effects of scrotal edema which leaves me bedridden long hours and great difficulty doing all daily functions: bathroom, food preparation, care if 94 yo mother, etc. Developing depression over this unmanageable situation. Doctors have given me the most horrible runaround. Said things like surgical risk, no hope, could be hernia, not a hernia and orchiectomy needed, hydrocelectomy, needle aspiration, etc. After over two years of this, I am at wit s end. Need direction. Would a suspensory help? My scrotum now measures 12 across from groin crease to other groin crease.