Hi. My name is Michelle. I have a long story which I will try to condense. I have a family history of vascular issues. My mom died of a brain aneurysm, as well as a great aunt on her side and an uncle on my fathers side. My dad has had a stroke, recovered well. In Novenmer I went to see my ophthalmologist for a yearly check up for my eyes. She saw something going on behind my right eye and ordered an MRA with contrast the next week. She was concerned about the circle of Willis , possible cerebral spinal fluid leakage, an aneurysm, and the possibility of blood leaking from somewhere. Reason being, after she asked my questions, is I had been having some excruciating headaches which I attributed to stress and my CFS. I HAD ALSO COMPLAINED TO MY HUSBAND I FELT A FLUTTERING IN MY RIGHT EAR SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK IN THE PREVIOUS COUPLE OF MONTHS but I let it go thinking no big thing. And, after I lay down for an hour or more, I can gently push on my right eye and it makes a LOUD squish squish which is obviously fluid. So, the radiology clinic decided just to do an MRI with no contrast with no authorization from the eye physician and that test was not conclusive because it wasn t the right test!!! So, my family dr is trying to order an CTA with contrast and my insurance company is fighting it. Meanwhile, we are fighting with the radiologist who ignored the original test order because my insurance company doesn t think they want to pay for another test and it s a total nightmare. No one besides myself seems concerned that this could be extremely time sensitive. My question is this- will a CTA detect the issues I mentioned above?? I m stressed, I m worried, and I m mad. I have a 5 year old daughter I want very much to be here to raise so I want to get the opinion of someone else telling me if this dr is ordering the most conclusive test for the conditions my eye dr is worried about!! Please advise, I would appreciate any help!! Thanks so much, Michelle Alford