Hello Madam
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I can certainly understand your concern.
I worked through your query in detail.
As per your relevant data, the possibility of
Pregnancy is extremely unlikely in presence of more than one negative tests.
These flutters could possibly relate to altered intestinal motility.
Consumption of
dietary fiber through daily oatmeal and fruits will help to improve the gut motility.
Prior to this I advise you to get an
ultrasound of the abdomen to rule out organic cause.
Meanwhile, I would like to prescribe a short course of prokinetic agents like
Domperidone once daily in the morning prior to breakfastfor 7 days.
This should be coupled with 2 tsps of Isphagula husk powder(LACTIFIBER) in water at bedtime daily fir 15days.
The above two interventions will help to imorove your symptoms by improving the intestinal motility.
This will also help to eliminate excess gas in the intestines.
Please check with your physician if he shares my view and if can prescribe these pills to you.
Kindly update me with the progress in your case.
Post your further questions if any.
Thank you.