I am in my 11th day of full hip replacement recovery. The surgery and recovery have been without incident...until yesterday. I began developing relentless, debilitating pain in my foot...hip surgery side. I have a two-decade history of gout which had not flared in several months due to better habits and weight control. I KNOW MY GOUT LIMITATIONS!!! It s too painful to not be preventive. My concern is that the extremely sensitive area is NOT is the big toe but rather along the smaller anterior joints. My surgical staff is not convinced gout is the issue, since they see the big toe as a beacon for that diagnosis. So now it remains a roadblock to PT and my attitude. Being sedentary for weeks, having an introduction of surgical cement and debris, and adding a handful of aspirin, supplements, a new blood pressure pill and pain meds, can I conclude gout makes for a strong suspect here? It s keeping me crankier than those few days in post-op. I m icing, not heating, yes? Is Indomethacin a possible hero here? Foot elevation useful? And/or a good dose of ACV daily? Get me out off this torture and back to that fading hip pain. One more blast of this,concentrated evil will result in a 911 call. Disheartening.