Thanks for your query.I understand your concern.
You seem to have very clean/ good habits regarding genital hygiene.
- the weird smell in such cases can be explained to be due to-
- Sweating in hairy area of
vulva , aggregates in the
skin fold where skin of vaginal folds meet...this is aggravated by wearing thick/ synthetic undergarments/ wearing vaginal pads during menses..
- the moistened
clitoris in such case is liable to get infected specially when associated with infected vagina / without such infection.
BUt such condition is associated by itching/ burning/ pain in the part.
* I would suggest -
- removing pubic hairs with suitable method,
- Wearing cotton/ hojiary undergarments which are not very tight fitting.
- Cleaning with plain water off & on? no use of feminine cosmetics ( as you are correctly avoiding )
- Get a gynac check up to exclude ant
vaginal infection / get treated as per need.