Need to be advised as to how to handle treating my husband. It starts as extreme belching that has a foul smell. It s embarrassing to say yet, the smell is unbearable for him and those around him. I would like to simply say it only smells like rotten eggs but, also I will be honest, I have easily mistaken it for diarrhea or very stinky gas. They have been occasional however, he was sick for 24 hours with this symptom this time he is vomiting (with no food in stomach). I would love to chalk this up as a 24 hr bug........ but, now only 4 days later it s back and he is vomiting again. feeling nauseous he has not eaten but he has thrown up a solid mass that he can t describe. I read its a possible bacteria and could need antibiotics is vomiting is associated with the rotten egg smelling belches. I am very worried. Unfortunately, we do not have insurance and as I KNOW it is impossible to diagnose via this text. However, would like to be advised if I should take him to the ER. Please, if you could respond.... he is currently throwing up again and is loosing all energy. Thank you Very concerned wife, Andrea