I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns.
As per your complain bad smelly discharge from the ear seems to be due to chronic
ear infection and as it is going on since years it should be taken care of as chronic ear infection can lead to perforation of er drum and loss of hearing..
As you have a tooth that has been recently
root canal treated and you still have tenderness under the jaw it is indicative that infection has not yet completely subsided..
You should consult your treating
dentist and get evaluated and he can advise you a course of antibiotic and anti inflammatory painkiller for complete eradication of infection..
Numbness of side of face can be due to
injury to the
nerve while local anaesthesia injection that is leading to prolonged numbness.
Mostly needle prick nerve injuries are reversible and will heal up completely..
You can take Vitamin B complex as it help in nerve regeneration and conduction..
Do warm compresses over the face.
For ear infection you can get evaluated by an ENT physician and he can do an otoscopic examination and can advise you a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antibiotic ear drops..
drainage of ear can be done for faster recovery..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.