Cold hands and feet are seen in:
1. Commonly due to cold exposure
Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis (sweaty hands and feet)
3. conditions which can cause neuropathy
4. Raynaud's phenomenon etc.
Since there is a strong family history of autoimmune disorder, it is better to keep monitoring for any other symptoms.
Symptoms to be looked for are
rash, joint pain,
weight loss, bluish discolouration of fingers and digits if exposed to cold, excessive
hair fall and loss of sensation.
As your child is started gaining weight and doesn't have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you need not worry.
I would suggest to keep her under follow up with the primary paediatrician.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Take care
Dr Nirubhan Bharathy, Pediatrician