my child aged 2.5 years, has been suffering from urine frequency (48 times in 24 hours),painful urination only on night (first he cries then urinate on night sometime he prostrate to urinate ),sunken eyes many times,little weight loss,hands and feet cold, sometime fever,sometime vomting and nausea, for 2 years......urine d/r in first lab has calcium oxalate +,and in second lab test has all was normal,and in third lab test there was a nitrite and bacteria in urine..then we had 2 urine culture test in 15 days that found no bacteria growth...and we had a ultrasound that was also normal....he has been given many antibiotics....such as cefixime,cefpodoxime,azithromycin,ceftriaxone sodium,cefotaxime,amoxil,negram,septran,for about 5 to 7 days...... but he does not recover 25 % as well....