Hi , I am having burning like sensation after bowel movements and stomach pain and used to have 3 to 4 times bowel movement whenever I used to have outside food and then he examined inside with gloved figure and said that there is no sign of fissure but he however told me to have blood test and stool test which resulted as normal then CRP quantitative blood test was done where vitamin B12 was in 203 range, then he adviced me to consult surgeon, and then he did a small procedure called Video Rectos copy and different 3 0 clock and 7 O clock was done and said that you do not have either fissure or piles or fistula this due to mild sensation of sensitive nerve in the spine, but still it burns particularly when I have spicy foods, not always but sometimes. I requested him to give anal ointment to me he said that there is no fissure or Haemorrhoids then where will you apply , So is this due to Vitamin B12 and also Optineuron injections has been prescribed recently by gastroenterologist earlier neurobinforte was prescribed. Is there any cream so that whenever in case if I have spicy food outside, so that I can avoid that burning