Thank You for contacting HCM.
The optimal treatment of
asthma depends upon a number of factors, including the child's age, the severity and frequency of asthma attacks, and the ability to properly use the prescribed medications.
Successful treatment of asthma involves three components:
●Controlling and avoiding asthma triggers
●Regularly monitoring asthma symptoms and lung function
●Understanding how and when to use medications to treat asthma
Common asthma triggers generally fall into several categories:
●Respiratory infections
●Allergens (including dust, pollens, and furred animals)
●Irritants (such as tobacco smoke, aerosol sprays, some cleaning products)
●Cold air
- Short-acting bronchodilators (also called beta-2 agonists) relieve asthma symptoms rapidly by relaxing the muscles around narrowed airways.VENTOLINE is used for this purpose.Short-acting bronchodilators can be delivered with a
nebulizer or child-sized mask.
-"Long term control" medications such as Inhaled
corticosteroids (
Prelone, Pediapred) or cromolyn sodium (Intal) help keep asthma symptoms at a minimum.
-Long acting Beta agonist should be used in combination with Inhaled corticosteroids.
-For persistent
cough britanyl syrup can be used (half tea spoon thrice daily)
Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow
up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us.
Wishing you good health.