My husband has frequent (often daily) headaches which he handles with Excedrin; he also has infrequent fainting spells and almost constant tremors in his hands, which get worse when he s stressed some way. (His brother and sister also have hand tremors.) He is age 64, white, and otherwise very healthy and active. Today he became pale and dizzy, lost consciousness, was sweating profusely and unable to return to normal for perhaps half an hour. During that time, he was examined by medics who determined his resting heart rate was very low (51), and his blood pressure was in the 90s over 60s. They strongly recommended going to the ED, but when we got there, he felt normal, and didn t want to be seen. Now that he s home, he is rather tired, but would be trying to get something done if I weren t making him rest. At present, he s sleeping. He s fainted before, but the episodes didn t last this long and didn t involve sweating. What would be the most efficient tests to take to determine if something serious is wrong with him?