I have a 14yr old special needs daughter CP, MR,mentally around 4 or 5 yrs old..been out of school since Monday. As of yesterday, Tuesday she has been peeing every 1 to 2 hours. Urine color is dark yellow to light pale yellow..she can t tell me if it hurts or burns to pee..and I don t want to ask because of course she will say yes, bring me to doctor so I can get pink medicine. So don t even want to bring it up. Now we do live in southern California, and Temps have dropped to low 70s upper 60s..from 80 plus weather last week. Diet is the same and liquid intake the same. Should I be concerned? Or go tout urgent care? Should I wait a couple of days and see..she won t pee in a cup, so she will have to be held down and of course catheter will have to be used. And of course with using a catheter you run the risk of an infection and with an infection you need antibiotics. I would love to avoid that but if I need it I ll have to do it so what should I do wait or Urgent Care ?I m open to ideas. I m not a mom that rushes to the emergency right away. Not unless there s blood and screaming, the obvious :-).thank you