You problem may be due to
1. Benign enlargement of prostate
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
3. Diabetes
Enlargement of prostate gland is common in men after the age of 50. What causes enlargement of prostate gland is not known fully. But age is the most important risk factor. Symptoms are urgency,
frequent urination, involuntary urination, urinary hesitancy, weak urinary stream, straining to void, a sensation of incomplete emptying, and terminal dribbling.
UTI causes burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, and fever etc
Diabetes causes frequent urination, hunger, fatigue, weight loss, and infections etc.
1. Consult your
urologist for per
rectal examination of prostate and further follow up
2. Avoid drinking alcohol, tea, coffee or cola as these substances irritate
urinary bladder and symptoms worse
3. Consume less water in the evening but drink at least 3 liters of water in the day time
4. Empty your bladder while going out of home/office
5. Eating more fruit and fiber to avoid constipation which can put pressure on the bladder worsening symptoms
6. Double void to completely empty your bladder –This involves waiting a few moments after you have finished passing urine before trying to go again
7. Investigation
a. R/E of urine
b. C/S of urine
c. USG abdomen & pelvis
d. Serum PSA
e. Blood sugar (F & PP)