Hello dear
Understand your concern.
I think you have UTI/Cystitis/
Other cause may be vaginal infection:
bacterial vaginosis, candida, chlamydia.
Take following advice:
Drink plenty of fluids
Maintain pelvic hygiene after and before sex and urination
Do not delay in empty the bladder
Empty the bladder completely
Wear pure cotton loose inner wear
Tablet sptran for three days
Wipe pelvic area before and after urination
Use condoms and lubrication during sex
Insert the penis in in vagina when vagina get fully wet.
Tablet ibuprfen
Start regular exercise: stretching and relaxation exercise
Take fruits like papaya, cranberry
If not resolves , consult the
urologist and take treatment after proper investigation like: urine test, CBC, ESR,
Cystoscopy, STD screening, urea,
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar